Kanchanaburi consist of 13 districts(Amphoe) which Amphoe Muang, Amphoe Bophloi, Amphoe Lao Khwan, Amphoe Phanom Thuan, Amphoe Sai Yok, Amphoe Sangkhla Buri,, Amphoe Si Sawat, Amphoe Tha Maka, Amphoe Tha Muang, Amphoe Thong Pha Phum, Amphoe Dan Makham Tia, Amphoe Nong Pru, Amphoe Huai Kra Chao.
Many kind of transports that you can use to go there one of the most convenience is by car in case of you have a car or hire cars. So start with buy a map from book shop or traveler information at the airport. However, I think most of tourist like to travel by bus. If you prefer t o use bus you can go to Kanchanaburi by take a bus at Southern Bus Terminal, it take you around one and a half hour to arrive there. Air-conditioned buses to Kanchanaburi leave the Southern Bus Terminal twice per hour all day until 9 p.m. return buses run on the same schedule. Sometimes if you would like to learn way of Thais’ life and you have a lot of times you can go to Kanchanaburi by trains. Trains to Kanchanaburi leave Thon Buri Station at 7:50 a.m.and 1:40 p.m. daily. Return trains leave Kanchanaburi Station at 7:30 a.m. and 3:20 p.m. It take about four and a half hour to be there. You can get more information about Trains schedule at www.railway.co.th. There are also tourist minibuses directly to/from Khao San Road, departing Kanchanaburi at 13:30 and 18:30. At Kanchanaburi you can use songthaews (converted pickups) for transportation also taxi, motorbike and tuk-tuks are available.